Romi32U4 library
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CPololuBuzzerPlay beeps and music with the buzzer
 CPololuHD44780Main class for interfacing with the HD44780 LCDs
 CPololuHD44780BaseGeneral class for handling the HD44780 protocol
 CPushbuttonMain class for interfacing with pushbuttons
 CPushbuttonBaseGeneral pushbutton class that handles debouncing
 CRomi32U4ButtonAInterfaces with button A on the Romi 32U4
 CRomi32U4ButtonBInterfaces with button B on the Romi 32U4
 CRomi32U4ButtonCInterfaces with button C on the Romi 32U4
 CRomi32U4BuzzerPlays beeps and music on the buzzer on the Romi 32U4
 CRomi32U4EncodersReads counts from the encoders on the Romi 32U4
 CRomi32U4LCDWrites data to the LCD on the Romi 32U4
 CRomi32U4MotorsControls motor speed and direction on the Romi 32U4