How MPLAB X is found
RPicSim uses many Java classes from MPLAB X. This section describes how it
finds those classes at run time. The code that controls this can be found
in lib/rpicsim/mplab/mplab_loader.rb
in the source code of
The primary thing that RPicSim needs to do is figure out what directory
MPLAB X has been installed in. If the RPICSIM_MPLABX
environment variable is set, it will assume that environment variable
contains the path to the MPLAB X directory. The environment variable is
useful because it allows you to copy the files from one version of MPLAB X
to some alternative place on your computer and use that version of MPLAB X
for your simulations while you continue to use other versions of MPLAB X
for your actual firmware development.
If the environment variable is not present, RPicSim will look for the MPLAB X directory in a few standard places and choose the first one that exists.
After RPicSim finds the MPLAB X directory, it will look in various subdirectories for JAR files and add all of them to the Java classpath so that the Java classes in those JAR files can be used.