Pololu Zumo Shield Arduino Library
1 // Copyright Pololu Corporation. For more information, see http://www.pololu.com/
3 #include <avr/interrupt.h>
4 #include "PololuBuzzer.h"
6 #ifdef __AVR_ATmega32U4__
8 // PD7 (OC4D)
10 #define BUZZER (1 << PORTD7)
12 #define TIMER4_CLK_8 0x4 // 2 MHz
17 #else // 168P or 328P
19 // PD3 (OC2B)
20 #define BUZZER_DDR DDRD
21 #define BUZZER (1 << PORTD3)
23 #define TIMER2_CLK_32 0x3 // 500 kHz
25 static const unsigned int cs2_divider[] = {0, 1, 8, 32, 64, 128, 256, 1024};
30 #endif
32 unsigned char buzzerInitialized = 0;
33 volatile unsigned char buzzerFinished = 1; // flag: 0 while playing
34 const char * volatile buzzerSequence = 0;
36 // declaring these globals as static means they won't conflict
37 // with globals in other .cpp files that share the same name
38 static volatile unsigned int buzzerTimeout = 0; // tracks buzzer time limit
39 static volatile char play_mode_setting = PLAY_AUTOMATIC;
41 extern volatile unsigned char buzzerFinished; // flag: 0 while playing
42 extern const char * volatile buzzerSequence;
45 static volatile unsigned char use_program_space; // boolean: true if we should
46  // use program space
48 // music settings and defaults
49 static volatile unsigned char octave = 4; // the current octave
50 static volatile unsigned int whole_note_duration = 2000; // the duration of a whole note
51 static volatile unsigned int note_type = 4; // 4 for quarter, etc
52 static volatile unsigned int duration = 500; // the duration of a note in ms
53 static volatile unsigned int volume = 15; // the note volume
54 static volatile unsigned char staccato = 0; // true if playing staccato
56 // staccato handling
57 static volatile unsigned char staccato_rest_duration; // duration of a staccato rest,
58  // or zero if it is time to play a note
60 static void nextNote();
62 #ifdef __AVR_ATmega32U4__
64 // Timer4 overflow interrupt
65 ISR (TIMER4_OVF_vect)
66 {
67  if (buzzerTimeout-- == 0)
68  {
70  sei(); // re-enable global interrupts (nextNote() is very slow)
71  TCCR4B = (TCCR4B & 0xF0) | TIMER4_CLK_8; // select IO clock
72  unsigned int top = (F_CPU/16) / 1000; // set TOP for freq = 1 kHz:
73  TC4H = top >> 8; // top 2 bits... (TC4H temporarily stores top 2 bits of 10-bit accesses)
74  OCR4C = top; // and bottom 8 bits
75  TC4H = 0; // 0% duty cycle: top 2 bits...
76  OCR4D = 0; // and bottom 8 bits
77  buzzerFinished = 1;
78  if (buzzerSequence && (play_mode_setting == PLAY_AUTOMATIC))
79  nextNote();
80  }
81 }
83 #else
85 // Timer2 overflow interrupt
86 ISR (TIMER2_OVF_vect)
87 {
88  if (buzzerTimeout-- == 0)
89  {
91  sei(); // re-enable global interrupts (nextNote() is very slow)
92  TCCR2B = (TCCR2B & 0xF8) | TIMER2_CLK_32; // select IO clock
93  OCR2A = (F_CPU/64) / 1000; // set TOP for freq = 1 kHz
94  OCR2B = 0; // 0% duty cycle
95  buzzerFinished = 1;
96  if (buzzerSequence && (play_mode_setting == PLAY_AUTOMATIC))
97  nextNote();
98  }
99 }
101 #endif
103 // this is called by playFrequency()
104 inline void PololuBuzzer::init()
105 {
106  if (!buzzerInitialized)
107  {
108  buzzerInitialized = 1;
109  init2();
110  }
111 }
113 // initializes timer4 (32U4) or timer2 (328P) for buzzer control
114 void PololuBuzzer::init2()
115 {
118 #ifdef __AVR_ATmega32U4__
119  TCCR4A = 0x00; // bits 7 and 6 clear: normal port op., OC4A disconnected
120  // bits 5 and 4 clear: normal port op., OC4B disconnected
121  // bit 3 clear: no force output compare for channel A
122  // bit 2 clear: no force output compare for channel B
123  // bit 1 clear: disable PWM for channel A
124  // bit 0 clear: disable PWM for channel B
126  TCCR4B = 0x04; // bit 7 clear: disable PWM inversion
127  // bit 6 clear: no prescaler reset
128  // bits 5 and 4 clear: dead time prescaler 1
129  // bit 3 clear, 2 set, 1-0 clear: timer clock = CK/8
131  TCCR4C = 0x09; // bits 7 and 6 clear: normal port op., OC4A disconnected
132  // bits 5 and 4 clear: normal port op., OC4B disconnected
133  // bit 3 set, 2 clear: clear OC4D on comp match when upcounting,
134  // set OC4D on comp match when downcounting
135  // bit 1 clear: no force output compare for channel D
136  // bit 0 set: enable PWM for channel 4
138  TCCR4D = 0x01; // bit 7 clear: disable fault protection interrupt
139  // bit 6 clear: disable fault protection mode
140  // bit 5 clear: disable fault protection noise canceler
141  // bit 4 clear: falling edge triggers fault
142  // bit 3 clear: disable fault protection analog comparator
143  // bit 2 clear: fault protection interrupt flag
144  // bit 1 clear, 0 set: select waveform generation mode,
145  // phase- and frequency-correct PWM, TOP = OCR4C,
146  // OCR4D set at BOTTOM, TOV4 flag set at BOTTOM
148  // This sets timer 4 to run in phase- and frequency-correct PWM mode,
149  // where TOP = OCR4C, OCR4D is updated at BOTTOM, TOV1 Flag is set on BOTTOM.
150  // OC4D is cleared on compare match when upcounting, set on compare
151  // match when downcounting; OC4A and OC4B are disconnected.
153  unsigned int top = (F_CPU/16) / 1000; // set TOP for freq = 1 kHz:
154  TC4H = top >> 8; // top 2 bits...
155  OCR4C = top; // and bottom 8 bits
156  TC4H = 0; // 0% duty cycle: top 2 bits...
157  OCR4D = 0; // and bottom 8 bits
158 #else
159  TCCR2A = 0x21; // bits 7 and 6 clear: normal port op., OC4A disconnected
160  // bit 5 set, 4 clear: clear OC2B on comp match when upcounting,
161  // set OC2B on comp match when downcounting
162  // bits 3 and 2: not used
163  // bit 1 clear, 0 set: combine with bit 3 of TCCR2B...
165  TCCR2B = 0x0B; // bit 7 clear: no force output compare for channel A
166  // bit 6 clear: no force output compare for channel B
167  // bits 5 and 4: not used
168  // bit 3 set: combine with bits 1 and 0 of TCCR2A to
169  // select waveform generation mode 5, phase-correct PWM,
170  // TOP = OCR2A, OCR2B set at TOP, TOV2 flag set at BOTTOM
171  // bit 2 clear, 1-0 set: timer clock = clkT2S/32
173  // This sets timer 2 to run in phase-correct PWM mode, where TOP = OCR2A,
174  // OCR2B is updated at TOP, TOV2 Flag is set on BOTTOM. OC2B is cleared
175  // on compare match when upcounting, set on compare match when downcounting;
176  // OC2A is disconnected.
177  // Note: if the PWM frequency and duty cycle are changed, the first
178  // cycle of the new frequency will be at the old duty cycle, since
179  // the duty cycle (OCR2B) is not updated until TOP.
182  OCR2A = (F_CPU/64) / 1000; // set TOP for freq = 1 kHz
183  OCR2B = 0; // 0% duty cycle
184 #endif
186  BUZZER_DDR |= BUZZER; // buzzer pin set as an output
187  sei();
188 }
191 // Set up the timer to play the desired frequency (in Hz or .1 Hz) for the
192 // the desired duration (in ms). Allowed frequencies are 40 Hz to 10 kHz.
193 // volume controls buzzer volume, with 15 being loudest and 0 being quietest.
194 // Note: frequency*duration/1000 must be less than 0xFFFF (65535). This
195 // means that you can't use a max duration of 65535 ms for frequencies
196 // greater than 1 kHz. For example, the max duration you can use for a
197 // frequency of 10 kHz is 6553 ms. If you use a duration longer than this,
198 // you will cause an integer overflow that produces unexpected behavior.
199 void PololuBuzzer::playFrequency(unsigned int freq, unsigned int dur,
200  unsigned char volume)
201 {
202  init(); // initializes the buzzer if necessary
203  buzzerFinished = 0;
205  unsigned int timeout;
206  unsigned char multiplier = 1;
208  if (freq & DIV_BY_10) // if frequency's DIV_BY_10 bit is set
209  { // then the true frequency is freq/10
210  multiplier = 10; // (gives higher resolution for small freqs)
211  freq &= ~DIV_BY_10; // clear DIV_BY_10 bit
212  }
214  unsigned char min = 40 * multiplier;
215  if (freq < min) // min frequency allowed is 40 Hz
216  freq = min;
217  if (multiplier == 1 && freq > 10000)
218  freq = 10000; // max frequency allowed is 10kHz
220 #ifdef __AVR_ATmega32U4__
221  unsigned long top;
222  unsigned char dividerExponent = 0;
224  // calculate necessary clock source and counter top value to get freq
225  top = (unsigned int)(((F_CPU/2 * multiplier) + (freq >> 1))/ freq);
227  while (top > 1023)
228  {
229  dividerExponent++;
230  top = (unsigned int)((((F_CPU/2 >> (dividerExponent)) * multiplier) + (freq >> 1))/ freq);
231  }
232 #else
233  unsigned int top;
234  unsigned char newCS2 = 2; // try prescaler divider of 8 first (minimum necessary for 10 kHz)
235  unsigned int divider = cs2_divider[newCS2];
237  // calculate necessary clock source and counter top value to get freq
238  top = (unsigned int)(((F_CPU/16 * multiplier) + (freq >> 1))/ freq);
240  while (top > 255)
241  {
242  divider = cs2_divider[++newCS2];
243  top = (unsigned int)(((F_CPU/2/divider * multiplier) + (freq >> 1))/ freq);
244  }
245 #endif
247  // set timeout (duration):
248  if (multiplier == 10)
249  freq = (freq + 5) / 10;
251  if (freq == 1000)
252  timeout = dur; // duration for silent notes is exact
253  else
254  timeout = (unsigned int)((long)dur * freq / 1000);
256  if (volume > 15)
257  volume = 15;
259  DISABLE_TIMER_INTERRUPT(); // disable interrupts while writing to registers
261 #ifdef __AVR_ATmega32U4__
262  TCCR4B = (TCCR4B & 0xF0) | (dividerExponent + 1); // select timer 4 clock prescaler: divider = 2^n if CS4 = n+1
263  TC4H = top >> 8; // set timer 4 pwm frequency: top 2 bits...
264  OCR4C = top; // and bottom 8 bits
265  unsigned int width = top >> (16 - volume); // set duty cycle (volume):
266  TC4H = width >> 8; // top 2 bits...
267  OCR4D = width; // and bottom 8 bits
268  buzzerTimeout = timeout; // set buzzer duration
270  TIFR4 |= 0xFF; // clear any pending t4 overflow int.
271 #else
272  TCCR2B = (TCCR2B & 0xF8) | newCS2; // select timer 2 clock prescaler
273  OCR2A = top; // set timer 2 pwm frequency
274  OCR2B = top >> (16 - volume); // set duty cycle (volume)
275  buzzerTimeout = timeout; // set buzzer duration
277  TIFR2 |= 0xFF; // clear any pending t2 overflow int.
278 #endif
281 }
285 // Determine the frequency for the specified note, then play that note
286 // for the desired duration (in ms). This is done without using floats
287 // and without having to loop. volume controls buzzer volume, with 15 being
288 // loudest and 0 being quietest.
289 // Note: frequency*duration/1000 must be less than 0xFFFF (65535). This
290 // means that you can't use a max duration of 65535 ms for frequencies
291 // greater than 1 kHz. For example, the max duration you can use for a
292 // frequency of 10 kHz is 6553 ms. If you use a duration longer than this,
293 // you will cause an integer overflow that produces unexpected behavior.
294 void PololuBuzzer::playNote(unsigned char note, unsigned int dur,
295  unsigned char volume)
296 {
297  // note = key + octave * 12, where 0 <= key < 12
298  // example: A4 = A + 4 * 12, where A = 9 (so A4 = 57)
299  // A note is converted to a frequency by the formula:
300  // Freq(n) = Freq(0) * a^n
301  // where
302  // Freq(0) is chosen as A4, which is 440 Hz
303  // and
304  // a = 2 ^ (1/12)
305  // n is the number of notes you are away from A4.
306  // One can see that the frequency will double every 12 notes.
307  // This function exploits this property by defining the frequencies of the
308  // 12 lowest notes allowed and then doubling the appropriate frequency
309  // the appropriate number of times to get the frequency for the specified
310  // note.
312  // if note = 16, freq = 41.2 Hz (E1 - lower limit as freq must be >40 Hz)
313  // if note = 57, freq = 440 Hz (A4 - central value of ET Scale)
314  // if note = 111, freq = 9.96 kHz (D#9 - upper limit, freq must be <10 kHz)
315  // if note = 255, freq = 1 kHz and buzzer is silent (silent note)
317  // The most significant bit of freq is the "divide by 10" bit. If set,
318  // the units for frequency are .1 Hz, not Hz, and freq must be divided
319  // by 10 to get the true frequency in Hz. This allows for an extra digit
320  // of resolution for low frequencies without the need for using floats.
322  unsigned int freq = 0;
323  unsigned char offset_note = note - 16;
325  if (note == SILENT_NOTE || volume == 0)
326  {
327  freq = 1000; // silent notes => use 1kHz freq (for cycle counter)
328  playFrequency(freq, dur, 0);
329  return;
330  }
332  if (note <= 16)
333  offset_note = 0;
334  else if (offset_note > 95)
335  offset_note = 95;
337  unsigned char exponent = offset_note / 12;
339  // frequency table for the lowest 12 allowed notes
340  // frequencies are specified in tenths of a Hertz for added resolution
341  switch (offset_note - exponent * 12) // equivalent to (offset_note % 12)
342  {
343  case 0: // note E1 = 41.2 Hz
344  freq = 412;
345  break;
346  case 1: // note F1 = 43.7 Hz
347  freq = 437;
348  break;
349  case 2: // note F#1 = 46.3 Hz
350  freq = 463;
351  break;
352  case 3: // note G1 = 49.0 Hz
353  freq = 490;
354  break;
355  case 4: // note G#1 = 51.9 Hz
356  freq = 519;
357  break;
358  case 5: // note A1 = 55.0 Hz
359  freq = 550;
360  break;
361  case 6: // note A#1 = 58.3 Hz
362  freq = 583;
363  break;
364  case 7: // note B1 = 61.7 Hz
365  freq = 617;
366  break;
367  case 8: // note C2 = 65.4 Hz
368  freq = 654;
369  break;
370  case 9: // note C#2 = 69.3 Hz
371  freq = 693;
372  break;
373  case 10: // note D2 = 73.4 Hz
374  freq = 734;
375  break;
376  case 11: // note D#2 = 77.8 Hz
377  freq = 778;
378  break;
379  }
381  if (exponent < 7)
382  {
383  freq = freq << exponent; // frequency *= 2 ^ exponent
384  if (exponent > 1) // if the frequency is greater than 160 Hz
385  freq = (freq + 5) / 10; // we don't need the extra resolution
386  else
387  freq += DIV_BY_10; // else keep the added digit of resolution
388  }
389  else
390  freq = (freq * 64 + 2) / 5; // == freq * 2^7 / 10 without int overflow
392  if (volume > 15)
393  volume = 15;
394  playFrequency(freq, dur, volume); // set buzzer this freq/duration
395 }
399 // Returns 1 if the buzzer is currently playing, otherwise it returns 0
400 unsigned char PololuBuzzer::isPlaying()
401 {
402  return !buzzerFinished || buzzerSequence != 0;
403 }
406 // Plays the specified sequence of notes. If the play mode is
407 // PLAY_AUTOMATIC, the sequence of notes will play with no further
408 // action required by the user. If the play mode is PLAY_CHECK,
409 // the user will need to call playCheck() in the main loop to initiate
410 // the playing of each new note in the sequence. The play mode can
411 // be changed while the sequence is playing.
412 // This is modeled after the PLAY commands in GW-BASIC, with just a
413 // few differences.
414 //
415 // The notes are specified by the characters C, D, E, F, G, A, and
416 // B, and they are played by default as "quarter notes" with a
417 // length of 500 ms. This corresponds to a tempo of 120
418 // beats/min. Other durations can be specified by putting a number
419 // immediately after the note. For example, C8 specifies C played as an
420 // eighth note, with half the duration of a quarter note. The special
421 // note R plays a rest (no sound).
422 //
423 // Various control characters alter the sound:
424 // '>' plays the next note one octave higher
425 //
426 // '<' plays the next note one octave lower
427 //
428 // '+' or '#' after a note raises any note one half-step
429 //
430 // '-' after a note lowers any note one half-step
431 //
432 // '.' after a note "dots" it, increasing the length by
433 // 50%. Each additional dot adds half as much as the
434 // previous dot, so that "A.." is 1.75 times the length of
435 // "A".
436 //
437 // 'O' followed by a number sets the octave (default: O4).
438 //
439 // 'T' followed by a number sets the tempo (default: T120).
440 //
441 // 'L' followed by a number sets the default note duration to
442 // the type specified by the number: 4 for quarter notes, 8
443 // for eighth notes, 16 for sixteenth notes, etc.
444 // (default: L4)
445 //
446 // 'V' followed by a number from 0-15 sets the music volume.
447 // (default: V15)
448 //
449 // 'MS' sets all subsequent notes to play staccato - each note is played
450 // for 1/2 of its allotted time, followed by an equal period
451 // of silence.
452 //
453 // 'ML' sets all subsequent notes to play legato - each note is played
454 // for its full length. This is the default setting.
455 //
456 // '!' resets all persistent settings to their defaults.
457 //
458 // The following plays a c major scale up and back down:
459 // play("L16 V8 cdefgab>cbagfedc");
460 //
461 // Here is an example from Bach:
462 // play("T240 L8 a gafaeada c+adaeafa <aa<bac#ada c#adaeaf4");
463 void PololuBuzzer::play(const char *notes)
464 {
465  DISABLE_TIMER_INTERRUPT(); // prevent this from being interrupted
466  buzzerSequence = notes;
467  use_program_space = 0;
468  staccato_rest_duration = 0;
469  nextNote(); // this re-enables the timer interrupt
470 }
472 void PololuBuzzer::playFromProgramSpace(const char *notes_p)
473 {
474  DISABLE_TIMER_INTERRUPT(); // prevent this from being interrupted
475  buzzerSequence = notes_p;
476  use_program_space = 1;
477  staccato_rest_duration = 0;
478  nextNote(); // this re-enables the timer interrupt
479 }
482 // stop all sound playback immediately
484 {
485  DISABLE_TIMER_INTERRUPT(); // disable interrupts
487 #ifdef __AVR_ATmega32U4__
488  TCCR4B = (TCCR4B & 0xF0) | TIMER4_CLK_8; // select IO clock
489  unsigned int top = (F_CPU/16) / 1000; // set TOP for freq = 1 kHz:
490  TC4H = top >> 8; // top 2 bits... (TC4H temporarily stores top 2 bits of 10-bit accesses)
491  OCR4C = top; // and bottom 8 bits
492  TC4H = 0; // 0% duty cycle: top 2 bits...
493  OCR4D = 0; // and bottom 8 bits
494 #else
495  TCCR2B = (TCCR2B & 0xF8) | TIMER2_CLK_32; // select IO clock
496  OCR2A = (F_CPU/64) / 1000; // set TOP for freq = 1 kHz
497  OCR2B = 0; // 0% duty cycle
498 #endif
500  buzzerFinished = 1;
501  buzzerSequence = 0;
502 }
504 // Gets the current character, converting to lower-case and skipping
505 // spaces. For any spaces, this automatically increments sequence!
506 static char currentCharacter()
507 {
508  char c = 0;
509  do
510  {
511  if(use_program_space)
512  c = pgm_read_byte(buzzerSequence);
513  else
514  c = *buzzerSequence;
516  if(c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
517  c += 'a'-'A';
518  } while(c == ' ' && (buzzerSequence ++));
520  return c;
521 }
523 // Returns the numerical argument specified at buzzerSequence[0] and
524 // increments sequence to point to the character immediately after the
525 // argument.
526 static unsigned int getNumber()
527 {
528  unsigned int arg = 0;
530  // read all digits, one at a time
531  char c = currentCharacter();
532  while(c >= '0' && c <= '9')
533  {
534  arg *= 10;
535  arg += c-'0';
536  buzzerSequence ++;
537  c = currentCharacter();
538  }
540  return arg;
541 }
543 static void nextNote()
544 {
545  unsigned char note = 0;
546  unsigned char rest = 0;
547  unsigned char tmp_octave = octave; // the octave for this note
548  unsigned int tmp_duration; // the duration of this note
549  unsigned int dot_add;
551  char c; // temporary variable
553  // if we are playing staccato, after every note we play a rest
554  if(staccato && staccato_rest_duration)
555  {
556  PololuBuzzer::playNote(SILENT_NOTE, staccato_rest_duration, 0);
557  staccato_rest_duration = 0;
558  return;
559  }
561  parse_character:
563  // Get current character
564  c = currentCharacter();
565  buzzerSequence ++;
567  // Interpret the character.
568  switch(c)
569  {
570  case '>':
571  // shift the octave temporarily up
572  tmp_octave ++;
573  goto parse_character;
574  case '<':
575  // shift the octave temporarily down
576  tmp_octave --;
577  goto parse_character;
578  case 'a':
579  note = NOTE_A(0);
580  break;
581  case 'b':
582  note = NOTE_B(0);
583  break;
584  case 'c':
585  note = NOTE_C(0);
586  break;
587  case 'd':
588  note = NOTE_D(0);
589  break;
590  case 'e':
591  note = NOTE_E(0);
592  break;
593  case 'f':
594  note = NOTE_F(0);
595  break;
596  case 'g':
597  note = NOTE_G(0);
598  break;
599  case 'l':
600  // set the default note duration
601  note_type = getNumber();
602  duration = whole_note_duration/note_type;
603  goto parse_character;
604  case 'm':
605  // set music staccato or legato
606  if(currentCharacter() == 'l')
607  staccato = false;
608  else
609  {
610  staccato = true;
611  staccato_rest_duration = 0;
612  }
613  buzzerSequence ++;
614  goto parse_character;
615  case 'o':
616  // set the octave permanently
617  octave = tmp_octave = getNumber();
618  goto parse_character;
619  case 'r':
620  // Rest - the note value doesn't matter.
621  rest = 1;
622  break;
623  case 't':
624  // set the tempo
625  whole_note_duration = 60*400/getNumber()*10;
626  duration = whole_note_duration/note_type;
627  goto parse_character;
628  case 'v':
629  // set the volume
630  volume = getNumber();
631  goto parse_character;
632  case '!':
633  // reset to defaults
634  octave = 4;
635  whole_note_duration = 2000;
636  note_type = 4;
637  duration = 500;
638  volume = 15;
639  staccato = 0;
640  // reset temp variables that depend on the defaults
641  tmp_octave = octave;
642  tmp_duration = duration;
643  goto parse_character;
644  default:
645  buzzerSequence = 0;
646  return;
647  }
649  note += tmp_octave*12;
651  // handle sharps and flats
652  c = currentCharacter();
653  while(c == '+' || c == '#')
654  {
655  buzzerSequence ++;
656  note ++;
657  c = currentCharacter();
658  }
659  while(c == '-')
660  {
661  buzzerSequence ++;
662  note --;
663  c = currentCharacter();
664  }
666  // set the duration of just this note
667  tmp_duration = duration;
669  // If the input is 'c16', make it a 16th note, etc.
670  if(c > '0' && c < '9')
671  tmp_duration = whole_note_duration/getNumber();
673  // Handle dotted notes - the first dot adds 50%, and each
674  // additional dot adds 50% of the previous dot.
675  dot_add = tmp_duration/2;
676  while(currentCharacter() == '.')
677  {
678  buzzerSequence ++;
679  tmp_duration += dot_add;
680  dot_add /= 2;
681  }
683  if(staccato)
684  {
685  staccato_rest_duration = tmp_duration / 2;
686  tmp_duration -= staccato_rest_duration;
687  }
689  // this will re-enable the timer overflow interrupt
690  PololuBuzzer::playNote(rest ? SILENT_NOTE : note, tmp_duration, volume);
691 }
694 // This puts play() into a mode where instead of advancing to the
695 // next note in the sequence automatically, it waits until the
696 // function playCheck() is called. The idea is that you can
697 // put playCheck() in your main loop and avoid potential
698 // delays due to the note sequence being checked in the middle of
699 // a time sensitive calculation. It is recommended that you use
700 // this function if you are doing anything that can't tolerate
701 // being interrupted for more than a few microseconds.
702 // Note that the play mode can be changed while a sequence is being
703 // played.
704 //
705 // Usage: playMode(PLAY_AUTOMATIC) makes it automatic (the
706 // default), playMode(PLAY_CHECK) sets it to a mode where you have
707 // to call playCheck().
708 void PololuBuzzer::playMode(unsigned char mode)
709 {
710  play_mode_setting = mode;
712  // We want to check to make sure that we didn't miss a note if we
713  // are going out of play-check mode.
714  if(mode == PLAY_AUTOMATIC)
715  playCheck();
716 }
719 // Checks whether it is time to start another note, and starts
720 // it if so. If it is not yet time to start the next note, this method
721 // returns without doing anything. Call this as often as possible
722 // in your main loop to avoid delays between notes in the sequence.
723 //
724 // Returns true if it is still playing.
725 unsigned char PololuBuzzer::playCheck()
726 {
727  if(buzzerFinished && buzzerSequence != 0)
728  nextNote();
729  return buzzerSequence != 0;
730 }
silences buzzer for the note duration
Definition: PololuBuzzer.h:81
static void stopPlaying()
Stops any note, frequency, or melody being played.
Definition: PololuBuzzer.cpp:483
Specifies that the sequence of notes will play with no further action required by the user.
Definition: PololuBuzzer.h:42
static unsigned char isPlaying()
Checks whether a note, frequency, or sequence is being played.
Definition: PololuBuzzer.cpp:400
static void play(const char *sequence)
Plays the specified sequence of notes.
Definition: PololuBuzzer.cpp:463
#define DIV_BY_10
frequency bit that indicates Hz/10 e.g. frequency = (445 | DIV_BY_10) gives a frequency of 44....
Definition: PololuBuzzer.h:86
static void playFromProgramSpace(const char *sequence)
Plays the specified sequence of notes from program space.
Definition: PololuBuzzer.cpp:472
static void playNote(unsigned char note, unsigned int duration, unsigned char volume)
Plays the specified note for the specified duration.
Definition: PololuBuzzer.cpp:294
static unsigned char playCheck()
Starts the next note in a sequence, if necessary, in PLAY_CHECK mode.
Definition: PololuBuzzer.cpp:725
static void playFrequency(unsigned int freq, unsigned int duration, unsigned char volume)
Plays the specified frequency for the specified duration.
Definition: PololuBuzzer.cpp:199
static void playMode(unsigned char mode)
Controls whether play() sequence is played automatically or must be driven with playCheck().
Definition: PololuBuzzer.cpp:708